Tuesday, December 18, 2012

寮備埂寮傚 Stranger In A Strange Land_435

often used in churches are the worst of all . . . the blood lookslike catsup and that ex-carpenter is usually portrayed as if he were a pansy . .
  . which He certainly was not if there is any truth in the four Gospels at all. Hewas a hearty man, probably muscular and of rugged health. But despite thealmost uniformly poor portrayal in representations of the Crucifixion, a poorone is about as effective as a good one for most people. They don’t see thedefects; what they see is a symbol which inspires their deepest emotions; itrecalls to them the Agony and Sacrifice of God,chanel.“.Jubal, I thought you weren’t a Christian?“,cheap foamposites.What’s that got to do with it? Does that make me blind and deaf tofundamental human emotion? I was saying that the crummiest paintedplaster crucifix or the cheapest cardboard Christmas Crèche can be sufficientsymbol to evoke emotions in the human heart so strong that many have diedfor them and many more live for them. So the craftsmanship and artisticjudgment with which such a symbol is wrought are largely irrelevant. Nowhere we have another emotional symbol-wrought with exquisitecraftsmanship, but we won’t go into that, yet. Ben, for almost three thousandyears or longer, architects have designed buildings with columns shaped asfemale figures-it got to be such a habit that they did it as casually as a smallboy steps on an ant. After all those centuries it took Rodin to see that thiswas work too heavy for a girl. But he didn’t simply say, .Look, you jerks, if youmust design this way, make it a brawny male figure.’ No,http://www.nikehighheels.biz/, he showed it . . .
  and generalized the symbol. Here is this poor little caryatid who has tried-andfailed, fallen under the load. She’s a good girl-look at her face. Serious,unhappy at her fafrure,nike heels, but not blaming anyone else, not even the gods . . .
  and still trying to shoulder her load, after she’s crumpled under it.
  .But she’s more than good art denouncing some very bad art; she’s a symbolfor every woman who has ever tried to shoulder a l

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