Sunday, January 13, 2013

闆穿 Snow Crash_115

e tumult. "I can understand every word these people are saying. Can you, brother?"
Chapter 25
"Yo! Snap out of it, pod!"
Hiro looks up from the card. No one is in his office except for the Librarian.
The image loses focus and veers upward and out of his field of view. Hiro is looking out the windshield of the Vanagon. Someone has just yanked his goggles off his face -- not Vitaly.
"I'm out here, gogglehead!"
Hiro looks out the window. It's Y.T., hanging onto the side of the van with one hand, holding his goggles in the other.
"You spend too much time goggled in," she says. "Try a little Reality, man."
"Where we are going," Hiro says, "we're going to get more Reality than I can handle."
Chapter 26
As Hiro and Vitaly approach the vast freeway overpass where tonight's concert is to take place, the solid ferrous quality of the Vanagon attracts MagnaPoons like a Twinkie draws cockroaches. If they knew that Vitaly Chernobyl himself was in the van,air max outlet, they'd go crazy, they'd stall the van's engine,nike air max express. But right now, they'll poon anything that might be headed toward the concert.
When they get closer to the overpass, it becomes a lost cause trying to drive at all, the thrashers are so thick and numerous. It's like putting on crampons and trying to walk through a room full of puppies. They have to nose their way along, tapping the horn, flashing the lights.
Finally, they get to the flatbed semi that constitutes the stage for tonight's concert. Next to it is another semi, full of amps and other sound gear. The drivers of the trucks,, an oppressed minority of two, have retreated into the cab of the sound truck to smoke cigarettes and glare balefully at the swarm of thrashers, their sworn enemies in the food chain of the highways. They will not voluntarily come out until five in the morning, when the way has been made plain,coach outlet canada.
A couple of the other Meltdowns are standing around smoking cigarettes, holding them between two fingers in the Slavic style, like darts. They stomp the cigarettes out on the concrete with their che

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